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(Un)Skilled Amateurs


Fish Cooked


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// Who We Want to Visit this Site


The website is catered towards adults and children who are unable to visit the museum in-person, particularly during winter months. It aims to attract both local visitors and tourists by increasing interaction with the museum during winter (off season) months. It can also be used as a way to interact with the museum before/after an in-person visit. As a result, rather than reproduce existing exhibitions, this exhibit functions as an extension to current in-person exhibits. Although part of the goal is to attract in-person visitors, the recipes - trying what's available on the website, sharing them on social media along with family anecdotes - is intended to encourage people to share their experiences of recipes as cultural heritage. So, an overlapping audience is the larger Icelandic diaspora community.

Adults love fish! They will also love our fish-themed website!
Children do not like fish, but they are forced to eat fish by their parents.
Locals can enjoy aspects of the museum while they're snowed-in during the winter!
Foreigners can visit when they can't visit Iceland in-person.